Taking Care of Plants
- Bright indirect light is best for the Philodendron Mayoi. But it can also grow in low and medium light.
- Just water them when the top soil is dry. Usually, it’s twice a month.
- They like soil that drains well, is rich, has some chunks, and has a good amount of peat. If you keep the roots too wet, they will rot. ½ coco coir, which is also called coco fiber, and 1/4 pumice or perlite would work well together.
Propagating Philodendron Mayoi
Cut about an inch or two below a node. Put water in a glass or some other small container (water propagation). Only the stem of the vine should be submerged; any leaves that are still in the water will die.
Stay away from direct sunlight. You might need to change the water every couple of days to keep it fresh. After about a week, move the plant to indoor potting soil. For the first few weeks, or until it seems to have good roots in the soil, water and drain your Philodendron a lot.